最も高いIQ指数を保有する人物として知られているMarilyn Vos Savant、彼女の文学は本当に美しいので

彼女の本「The Power of Logical Thinking」の中で、
Logical Thinkingができるようになることのメリット、
でもMarilyn Savantは違う。
Readerの方々にとって、直接 日本語訳で理解するのは 時短になるのでけれども、
ゼロ、 イチ、の2択の答えではなく、自身でアナライズする(自身の所感を持つこと)力を意識してほしい。
Part three illustrates how politicians exploit our innocence to affect our votes, using the 1992 presidential campaign as a superlative example. Never before have numerical issues been so much discussed, and seldom have numbers been so clearly used ( and misused) as ammunition to hit political targets. Mathematics is simply logic with numbers, and when our ability to reason numerically is enhanced, so is our ability to reason in other ways. We gain power when we are able to think logically. Toward that end, we’ll show examples of selective logic, specious reasoning, and outright sophistry, collected from the campaigns of Bill Clinton, George Bush, and Ross Perot. If Americans are better equipped to handle the numbers, we’ll be less easily manipulated in future elections, and an unbiased study of Part Three can serve as a step toward the goal of heightening that critical consciousness.
Logical thinking empowers the mind in a way that no other kind of thinking can. It frees the highly educated from the habit of presuming every claim to be true until proven false. It enables average Americans to stand up against the forces of political correctness, see through the chicanery, and make independant decisions for themselves. And it is the bulwark against intellectual servitude for the underprivileged.
The best way to learn is by shattering our complacency, and this book takes aim at the target. For those of you readers to whom any sort of mathematics is anathema to your psychological stability, rest assured that our approach throughout will be far more logical than mathematical, requiring nothing more than uncommon sense and a little new-fashioned arithmetic. But prepare to be surprised more often than not. Whether in a real-life situation or in the form of a puzzle, many of these problems are sure to wreak havoc with anymore too content with his or her intuition.
And if you become convinced that I’m dead wrong about any answer, that I’m clearly a blockhead, and that you know the (obviously) correct answer, please do write to me at the address given in the back of the book. (I’ve taken the phone off the hook.) We’re about to explore what promises to be conroversial torritory, and we invite you to come along for the ride.